Wednesday, November 12, 2014

What’s Next

Amos 5:18-24; Matthew 25:1-13

November 9, 2014
One of my friends and colleagues in ministry is fond of posting to Facebook clips from the old West Wing series in response to most any political event of any given day. Clearly, she had a lot to work with last week, and posted a string of election-related clips. That was all good fun, but just now the one West Wing bit speaking most to me is President Bartlett’s habit of ending discussions with an abrupt, “what’s next?”
Not only does that strike me as appropriate to this moment in our broad national history, but it also seems to fit our own small part of it. Perhaps it also resonates in your personal life. Moreover, I think it’s what Jesus is primarily concerned with in our gospel reading today, and, in that concern, he echoes the prophetic agitation of Amos.
What’s next?
In the political sphere, some folks’ in these parts are unhappy with Tuesday’s results, while others are quite pleased. Personally, I’m more interested in what’s next. What’s next for the 840 million people around the world who do not have enough to eat to be healthy? What’s next for the nearly 16 million children in the United States who live in families that struggle to put food on the table? What’s next for the hundreds of species of animals and plants facing extinction due to climate change? What’s next for the more than 2 million Americans in prison? What’s next for thousands of civilians caught in the cross-fires in dozens of war zones? What’s next?
Amos’ words agitate me always: “let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an everflowing stream.”
Jesus’ words echo hauntingly for me: “when I was hungry, you fed me; when I was in prison, you visited me; blessed are the peacemakers; love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”
This morning’s passage from Matthew comes in the midst of a series of lessons about the nature of the kingdom of heaven. Matthew collects them, and presents them with an air of urgency. “The time is coming soon,” these stories tell us. “Are you ready?”
What’s next, you ask. Here’s what’s next: the kingdom of God, or, less patriarchal, the kindom of God, or if you’d rather, the commonwealth of heaven, or, my favorite, by way of Dr. King, the beloved community.
Throughout the gospels, this kindom, has a temporal aspect of being always already and not yet fully realized. In other words, the kindom is yet to come and thus, Jesus taught, we prayerfully demand of God, “thy kingdom come on earth – right now.” May that be what’s next!
At the same time, this kindom is, Jesus tells his followers, already among you, as close as the air you breathe. Its ultimate triumph is assured by the covenant God has made to be steadfast and loving; a covenant sealed in the story of Jesus.
Yet, as this weird wedding parable suggests, it’s pretty easy to miss it.
This strange little story, oddly enough, reminds me of my own wedding. Through my growing up years on into college, I had three extremely close friends, one of whom is my younger brother, so, obviously, he was going to be best man at the wedding. The other two were both somewhat musically inclined, and one of them did some writing. So I asked him to write a song for us, and for the two of them to perform it. They got it ready, but on the afternoon of the wedding, one of them took a nap, got confused about the time, and walked into the outdoor chapel – through a season’s worth of dead leaves – when the service was mostly completed. When he sat down, my other friend leaned over and said, simply, “you missed it.”
Sometimes, if we’re not careful, we sleep right through the moment that we’ve been looking forward to and preparing for. What’s next arrives, and we miss it altogether.
It’s also easy, I’ll confess, to miss the points in this parable because it is strange and archaic. For example, we have no tradition of virgins parading into a wedding feast with the bridegroom, as was one custom of Matthew’s time. So, there’s that bit of oddness with which our desire to make meaning must contend.
Further, Matthew was writing to a community that had struggled to survive as faithful followers of Christ a full generation beyond when their first members fully expected Jesus to return. “Come thou long-expected Jesus,” indeed. So waiting, trying to keep awake – trying to keep the faith alive and awake – had a particular resonance for them that’s pretty much lost on us 2,000 years further on.
Moreover, that the women in this tale all carry the label “virgin,” a state of idealized purity, would have suggested to Matthew’s readers that Jesus was talking about religious insiders. Insiders they may have been, yet they all fall asleep even though they know the bridegroom is coming. In other words, even those who expect to be fully received into the great banquet could miss the whole she-bang if they’re not careful.
They are much more likely to miss it if they stop asking about what’s next. In other words, and I think this is particularly important for religious insiders to understand, when we get comfortable and complacent with the way things are we are no longer attuned to what’s next. That’s particularly important for insiders, because we are comfortable. It’s easy to feel like we’ve already got a seat at the banquet, and to stop thinking about folks who might not have ever even heard that there is a banquet in the first place.
It’s so easy to get bound up in the way things are, and miss out entirely on what’s next. Consider your own life – whether vocationally, personally, spiritually. It’s easy to feel either completely comfortable – or, perhaps, completely trapped – in the patterns of this moment, and miss out on the invitation to make changes that draw you deeper into the kindom of God that is among us.
Let me turn that into a couple of direct questions:
·      Are you spending your time on what really matters?
·      Are you spending your money on what really matters?
·      Are you using your gifts for what really matters?
This is the “oil in the lamps” of Jesus’ parable. Spending our time, treasure, and talent on the things that draw us closer to the way of Jesus is the way we keep our lamps full and shining – shining a light in the darkness as a beacon to what’s next.
This is a parable about the between times, about waiting with expectation for the coming again of Christ into our lives. It’s almost Advent – that season of hope, expectation, preparation and also of longing and waiting.
Waiting is hard, but we all do a great deal of it in life. This particular waiting – for the presence of Christ – has a different nature than most of our waiting. We are invited into an active waiting, a waiting that is not merely preparation. We don’t just talk about the need for oil in the lamps, we find the oil and fill the lamps.
How? By tending to what’s next that’s in our midst right now we make tangible the presence of Christ in the world.
As one commentator on this week’s lectionary texts noted:
Each time we work for justice (as Amos invites in the first reading), we testify to the presence of Jesus. Each time we bear each other’s burdens, we testify to Jesus’ presence. Each time we advocate for the poor, or reach out to the friendless, or work to make this world God loves a better place, we testify to the presence of the Risen Christ.[1]
That testimony, embodied and lived out in this world, is what’s next. May it be so; right here, right now, among this people.
